jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

My challenge!

Hello my name is Jaume Sués and I have a lot of dreams, but the most interesting for me is training football players. When I was child, my dream was play in FCB, but, I know that is impossible. Now I'm playing football because I love football. but I know that in the future play in a good team is really hard. Now I'm playing football, but I'm training football players too. 

The biggest problem I can have is that the trainers or presidents of good teams can't see me and I stay in a lower teams. 

To make my dream I would have to work hard and try to learn every dat from my coaches and coaches courses.

An animal in me!

Lions are be to be the kings of the jungle for his big mane. Their color is brown, they are covered in a thin coat. The mails are about two feet long and weigh about 200 kilos. The tail is about 100 cm. Their diet is based on: antelope, deer, wild boars... They live about 15 years, more less than femails.

As I said before the lions are reconized by the kings of the jungle. This is because they are predators of the jungle and few animals are afraid of them. They are caracterized by a fighter character, that is, they never surrender and they always fight for their interests. 

So I described this animal, because I try to follow his character and never give me the bad things of the life. 

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Multiple inteligences

  • As you can see the graphic, I'm a person who hates math and numbers, classical music and nature. But I like to hear other peopletalking about me and exercise is essential. I have good qualities tothe picture, as I said, and is something that always cost me to admit. Doing  this test, I learned things about myself that I did not know.