Every year, the NBA celebrates the All-Sart Weekend. In this event participate the best players of the NBA of the year, so, we can see a good show. The teams are divided with two groups, the players of the eastern conference, and the players of the western conference. More than the result, this weekend pretends to offer a big show, so the All-Star weekend celebrate a compete of habilities, a rookie game and a compete of three-pointer. The first All-Star Weekend celerated in the Boston Garden, in 1951. Since this year, all the best players met to do a big game, a big show.
In my opinion, this is a good option because all the basketball supporters enjoyed this weekend because they see their favourites players in the same team, playing together. I think this idea can be copied for the football, but here we are always retarded in everything. I hope that one day I will be there, watching this match!!!:)
Here, one video of the bests plays of the weekend.
Stolen is a entertainment film about a group of thieves. If I'm honest, have to say that I don't like films, but I have a friend that, two weeks ago, he said to me to watch this film. I have too much confidence with him, so I accepeted to watch the film.
One day a group of thieves decided to stole a bank in USA, they want to stole 10 millions of dollars. The plant went wrong and the main character, Nicolas Cage, went to the jail. When he left the jail, Vincent, one of the members of the group, kitnapped Nicolas Cage daugther with on obvius propose, get a reward.
The film was rather good and I like some scences, but if I have to choose one, probably I will choose the last one. I think that Nicolas Cage did a good work and the plot of the story was so engenious.
Is quite difficult to choose one bad scence, but if I have to do that, I will choose the second part of the Vincent's life. He became a very bad person, drogaddict... only for the money. So money can destroy the friendship of someone.
To sum up, I have to say that I will recommend this film to all the people that have more than twelve years, and especially, the fans o supporters of the action films.
As you know, this year we are doing first batxillerat, and the things have changed, because in ESO, the things were quite easy and sometimes, we hadn't got homework, the exams were easier. But this year, in Batxillerat, all the people that are doing first batxillerat, can say that we have more homework, more works, more exams and these are more difficult. But I think that if we want to go to the university or do something in our life, we have to have studies, because every time the world is more coetitive and the world order qualificated people.
My challenge is, passed the Batxillerat with a good mark, like 8.5 or something like that, then get a good mark in Selectivitat, because in the future I want to go to the university to study ADE, and then, if I can, go to work, or do a master of this career.
So, we have to work hard, very hard, if we want to do the things that we want in the university, so keep calm and study hard!!
Every year, the FIFA, the most important organitzation if we talk about football, award the prize of the best football player in one year. Every captains and every sports journalists of each country vote twenty-three options, they can vote three of this twenty-three players.
Lionel Messi had won the last four times, so he has four golden balls. Nobody have four golden balls so he has get inside of the football history books.
There is a debate if Messi had to won this four goden balls, there ara journalists that think that Messi is the best, and obviously, there are journalists that think Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player.
I think that this award is only for the forwards, because they only recognize the work of the forwards and not the work of the midfielders. Is pathetic that players like Xavi or Pirlo hasn't got a golden ball, but the reality is other, so the supporters of the midfielders are a little bit angry.
Now I will put the list of all the winners of this award in this decade:
I want to describe this person because is probably on of my bests friends and I spend a lot of time with him. He lives in Castelló d'Empúries, in the Vilabertran street. We have been friends since school, because we played in the same team,but the good relationship started in highschool.
He is quite tall with brown hair and brown eyes, and last year he started to shave his beard, so he started to became an adult. He's fair skinned and when he starts to laugh, he doesn't became red-faced. He's fairly thin, and he has got long fingers. Sometimes he has got a friendly face.
Talking about his personality, before he used to angry with his classmates or the students of the highschool, but now, he starts to be more friendly and he smiles to the others. Like all the people, he is a bit two-faced, but he isn't a big-headed. I think that he is the opposite, he's rather honest. After Christian, he is the most intelligent in his class, he always get excellents in the subjects, but sometimes he is a little bit stubborn.
In my opinion, his best quality is that he is clever, very clever, but sometimes he wants to be right, so he's rather narrow-minded, but for me it's a good quality because he never gives up. This are the reasons why I chose this person.