viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

All-Star 2013!

Every year, the NBA celebrates the All-Sart Weekend. In this event participate the best players of the NBA of the year, so, we can see a good show. The teams are divided with two groups, the players of the eastern conference, and the players of the western conference. More than the result, this weekend pretends to offer a big show, so  the All-Star weekend celebrate a compete of habilities, a rookie game and a compete of three-pointer. The first All-Star Weekend celerated in the Boston Garden, in 1951. Since this year, all the best players met to do a big game, a big show.

In my opinion, this is a good option because all the basketball supporters enjoyed this weekend because they see their favourites players in the same team, playing together. I think this idea can be copied for the football, but here we are always retarded in everything. I hope that one day I will be there, watching this match!!!:)

Here, one video of the bests plays of the weekend.

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