miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Collins enters game as NBA's first openly gay player

The last week appeared in NBA news that Jason Collins had recognised his homosexuality. Everybody was so shocking because this was the first time in NBA history that happens, but we are in the XXI century and I think this has to be an irrelevant thing. In the atmosphere of the NBA was trending topic and everyone talks about this fact. Even there were some people thinking about the possibility that he can’t play this sport or intolerant things like that.

He said he only thinks about playing basketball and learn more things to be a better player, and that’s the character because a lot of rumours affect to the professionals. Maybe the globalization of information has affected a lot of professionals, and not only in this case of homosexuality.

Coverage: “cobertura” tactical aspect of basketball.
Scheduled: “programat”.

Court: “pista de bàsquet”.


martes, 25 de febrero de 2014


TOPIC: In my opinion, my topic could be so boring for the students who don’t like history, but in my view, this was an interesting topic that’s why I have chosen this. 7%

PRESENTATION: In the TDR I used the Power Point but in the English class I have chosen the Prezi to change and to adapt me to some different programs. Bu in the two cases the presentation was so clear and structured. 7%

BODY LANGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: I think I have to improve quite things, maybe look more the public and less the teacher. I have said this in all my English presentations but I think I have improved it. 7%

STRUCTURE: The structure was so clear. 10%

CONTENT: Like all my classmates, I have reduced all my TDR in two minutes and that’s so difficult because you only have to put the most important parts. But I think I have done it well. 32%

LANGUAGE: Enrich and improve my presentation with new vocabulary. I used connectors but I think I have to use new vocabulary, to improve my English and of course my presentation. Doing this I have known more technical vocabulary about my topic, and that’s so important. 17%

PRONUNCIATION: Every year and every presentation I think I have improved my pronuntation. The reason of this thing is I try to find the pronuntation on the Internet and then, practise a lot of time in front of a mirror. 8%


Thinking about my future!!

The last week we had gone to Girona to see and visit the UdG. This university has different establishments in some different places of this city. Specifically I had visited the Economic and Business faculty. In this installation you could visit some different talks, and in my case I went to the ADE talk. They explain to us the prices, the subjects, how many years and some different things. But thy said an important thing for me: the next year they will introduce a new degree (ADE + LAW).

Since 2014 you can only study this career in Barcelona, but next year the UdG give to us an opportunity. But there is a big problem; there will be only 10 vacancies. I want to enter to this career because in only five years and a half I will have two degrees, so it’s a great opportunity.

Until selectivitat, I have to work hard to have sufficient mark and try to have more or less a 12 of 14 points. If I can’t go in this career, I will do only ADE.

Mothers feel guilt and lack of support on returning to work

Boing back to work after the maternity is a different feeling about some different mothers because of their way to think. A recent poll says more than three quarters of women felt guilty about going back to work after maternity for two clear reasons: the first one is because employers can be discriminatory with them entrusting them with less responsibilities and with fewer big or important projects, and the other one I because they felt guilty and at the same time mistrust because they think their children won’t be less good if they will stay with their mothers. This is a poll undertaken for The Work and Family Show.

In my way to think if a girl was a good employer the boss have to have the same trust with her although they have been mothers. But I know in this society, like in the XVIII century, have prejudices and judge people before knowing them, so I understand the opinion of these mothers, so they have to battle about their women rights.



Guilty: Culpable.

Hold down: mantenir.

Work-life balance: Equilibri entre la vida laboral i la vida familiar o social.

Students more worried about jobs than debt

In a crisis’ moment everybody are so worried about finding Jobs or pay their debts. The situation is really bad and all the countries perceive the crisis, nobody can escape, because we are in a globalization world and indirectly everyone observe this situation. According to an English poll the teenagers between 14 and 17, these are more worried about finding jobs than paying their debts. For these teenagers the reason is so clear, and these are the stereotypes of the companies about teenagers.

Well I respect this kind of way to see the world but I am totally disagree about this. They are teenagers and they have all the life and the situation can change, because the economy can overcome but if somebody have debts, these have to be paid by someone, nobody can escape from these. So I respect their opinion but I want to throw a message from these boys and girls. You have to study and be preparing about the future, but the situation have to change for the better someday, but the debts will be there always if you don’t pay it.



Held: “retenir”.
Debt: “deuda”

Overwhelming majority: “aplastanta mayoría”.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Corruption in football

Football was only a sport, but since the last sixty years has become more than a sport, an important business. I say an important business because of the magnitude that has had in the last twenty years. Football has involved banks and had used money of the citizens. Maybe we don’t see this fact, but they request credits to pay the establishments and the signings. But the worst thing isn’t this because all the companies ask for credits in banks, the worst thing is there are a lot of clubs that have debts about 500 millions of euros.

The last case of corruption takes place in Barcelona, specifically in FCB. For Barça Neymar had cost 57 million of euros but have left some news about the real cost of this player and this circumstances have affect the job of Sandro Rosell, because they say there aren’t any irregularities in Neymar’s signing.

I don’t know what the reality is, but I know that football in the future, if the clubs do the same politic, will became only a business and not a show or sport.


The social classes’ conflicts are a big problem in all the history because is related with money. But isn’t always for money, because we can see social problems between these two classes, like for example, in Pride and Prejudice.

In this story we can see the Darcy troubles with Lizzy because in this moment wasn’t easy to demonstrated the couple love of different economic circumstances. In this case love leaves victorious but because is a film or a novel because if we have the possibility to have a time machine we could see that in these epoch loves was less important than money or honour.

Times and eras have changed because of different factors but always will the money will be there. For example in the novel we can see that Lizzy’s mum wants to engage all her daughters with a rich man. So she wants to put her daughters in a high social class for the money and the honour.

So, social classes will exist always and these different social classes will be always connected. 


Sine 1951 every year the NBA celebrates the All-Star weekend with some different events to have a great time. This big event is separated in two different parts. The first one consists on the competition and this includes a compettiton of abilities, a rookie game, the slum dunk contest and a three-pointer competition.  Well, the most important are the two last ones because of the show that these transmit.

And the other evening consists on a match between the best players of the two conferences (eastern and western). In this match the players only want to do great moves and shots to do show, show and show.

In my opinion this company knows hot to the show and this derivate in business. The basketball supporters can watch all the best players playing together and the NBA earn an important quantity of money. So the two parts leaves with a smile. I think this is a good idea that another sports can copy.

Here the best moments of the ALL-STAR WEEKEND 2014.

Research paper abstract!!

Patterns for the demographic study of one population: Vilanova de la Muga during the years 1796-1806 and 1864-1875.

This research project deals with the study of the demographic features in a little town called Vilanova de la Muga. Doing this work I want to know the behaviour of the demographic variables in these two time periods.

I have researched the parish registers to establish the resulting features. We can find these documents in the Diocesan Archive of Girona and on the website Family Search. In particular I have worked with this website: www.familysearch.com. Of course this research project is divided in a theoretical and a practical part.

The first one consists of the origin of these registers and the Concilian of Trento. Moreover I have contextualized the political, demographic and the socioeconomic situation of our continent, Spain and Catalonia to know and compare if what occur in this places happen in this village.

The practical part consists of the research of these registers and then their respective graphs, trying to interpret the results. 

Can internet change the world for the better?

Can internet change the world for the better?

Nowadays Internet has become an important tool for our society because of the facilities it provides us in a lot of fields. However, Internet can have a hidden dark side. We have to consider both sides.

On the one hand, internet make easier to be robbed or swindled and moreover let us too exposed and we lose our privacy.

On the other hand, Internet allows us to make economic transactions in our home or even in our smartphone. This, for example, let us buy airplane tickets, to transfer money from the bank. In addition, Internet is a great tool to communicate more quickly all over the world. We can share or search easily a lot of information.

In conclusion, Internet helps us in a lot of areas and makes our life more comfortable but we have to be aware because there are a lot of hidden risks and you don’t know who is behind it.

Roger and James

Older workers fear bias from employers

Everybody perceives the crisis and obviously the older employers too. The company’s bosses think a lot of in the time to sign a new employer, because of their future or preparation. And for these two last reasons the older employers have been dismissed by the bosses. So this is a big group that have been affected by the difficult situation.

But the old employers that retain their job had been the victims of jokes about their age. That’s the reason why the journalist has used the expression “brick wall” because if these employers are always criticised by the others or discriminated they can’t improve in their jobs. So they are exposed at difficult situations that can affect to their health or pensions.

In my opinion we have to take care about the older employers because all of us have virtues and faults. Before judge someone we have to been judged by ourselves.



Bias: preferencias.
Brick wall: muro de ladrillos.

Pensioned off: sin pensiones.

Super-rich professions squeeze out traditional middle class

 The brainiest professionals in Britain, like scientists, university academics and architects, are struggling to cling to the privileges of middle-class life as a super-rich elite pushes up prices for property and private education. The news says like in the 1970s these professionals had been eclipsed by other professions like doctors, lawyers or bankers.

So the first ones professions want the privileges of the middle class because in my way to think they don’t earn the same money as bankers o lawyers. Well, in the highest moments they think they earn a lot of money and they can have a rich life buying cars and houses. But now the situation has changed and they earn less money than other times and they have to cut costs for some bands. I don’t want to judge because nowadays the economic situation can change totally but I think you have to be always modest.



Squeeze out: apretar/exprimir.
Stretch back: remontar-se a.

Cling to: aferrar-se a.