martes, 25 de febrero de 2014


TOPIC: In my opinion, my topic could be so boring for the students who don’t like history, but in my view, this was an interesting topic that’s why I have chosen this. 7%

PRESENTATION: In the TDR I used the Power Point but in the English class I have chosen the Prezi to change and to adapt me to some different programs. Bu in the two cases the presentation was so clear and structured. 7%

BODY LANGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: I think I have to improve quite things, maybe look more the public and less the teacher. I have said this in all my English presentations but I think I have improved it. 7%

STRUCTURE: The structure was so clear. 10%

CONTENT: Like all my classmates, I have reduced all my TDR in two minutes and that’s so difficult because you only have to put the most important parts. But I think I have done it well. 32%

LANGUAGE: Enrich and improve my presentation with new vocabulary. I used connectors but I think I have to use new vocabulary, to improve my English and of course my presentation. Doing this I have known more technical vocabulary about my topic, and that’s so important. 17%

PRONUNCIATION: Every year and every presentation I think I have improved my pronuntation. The reason of this thing is I try to find the pronuntation on the Internet and then, practise a lot of time in front of a mirror. 8%


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