A gap year is like a sabbatical year, often people do this gap year after they finish the highschool or the university, to get more experincies in their life, to learn another language, to meet people around the world, to see the views of countries... There is a page to get information and ideas called gapyear.com. In this website there are a lot of information of all the countries do you want, like jobs or courses to do, or simply help people.
If I have to choose one, I would like to go to Germany to learn the leanguage, see the culture and If I can see how some bussiness man manage their companies, because Germany is the main economic powers and the second country that exports more.
I know that do all this things can be difficult because I only have two weeks more or less, but it could be a good experience in my life, so, it could be a good posibility after batxillerat or university.
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