viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

NBA playoffs!!!!

The playoffs of a sport league are a game, a series of games played after the regular season by the top competitors to derminate which team is the champion. Depending of the type of the league, the playofss wil have more matches or less matches.
NBA playoffs is a best of seven elimination tournament with sixteen teams, eight tems for the Eastern Conference and the other eight teams are from the Western Conference. 
When the NBA playofss star is when start the true competition, because in the regular season there is more show, and in playoffs is more competitive. In this periode of the season, is when the fan see the best plays of the players, the matches are more hard-fought, so is why this company is amazing. 
Here is the playoff picture of 2013.

This little numbers are the matches of the teams that they won and lost. Well, in my opinion, now, the best team on NBA is Miami Heat, bacause they have the best player in the world and the MVP of the regular season, LeBron James,  one of the best players of the new century, Dwyane Wade, and a strong defense. Now, the NBA conference final are: San Antonio Spurs-Memphis Grizzlies and on the other conference the final is between Miami Heat and Indiana Pacers.
I think this playoffs will be very competitive and I hope that Miami will win another consecutive year the NBA cup!!!!

Here, a good video!!

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