sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013


TOPIC: About our topic (beauty contest) I think was interesting, because we explained a currently problem and tendency.

PRESENTATION: We use Prezi because you can put photos, videos, etc in an easy way, more than Power Point. 10%

BODY LANGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: I think I have to improve quite things, maybe look more the public and less the teacher. 7%

STRUCTURE: Our structure was so clear. 10%

CONTENT: we explained the most important information about this topic but maybe it was too long. We have to manage to improve this part. 32%

LANGUAGE: Enrich and improve my presentation with new vocabulary. I used connectors but I think I have to use new vocabulary, to improve my English and of course my presentation. 17%

PRONUNCIATION: Every year and every presentation I think I have improved my pronuntation. The reason of this thing is I try to find the pronuntation on the Internet and then, practise a lot of time in front of a mirror. 8%


I can't put the other part, but I have seen it!!!

Exam composition on youth!!

Youth is the only thing that matters”
“But your beauty won’t last forever. When your youth goes your beauty will go with it”

Beauty is a strange an uncleared concept because is different for everybody.
Beauty is an important quality in our modern society. If you are beautiful and look well, you have more choices than an ugly person or one who doesn’t looks well. So, if you want to survive in our society, you have to have these qualities.

If we think carefully about it, there are a lot of important things more than beauty. To be polite, to be honest, to be intelligent… are one of these concepts that have to be more relevant in a human. It’s incredible that in job places, nowadays, beauty out others things.

In conclusion, beauty has a relation with youth, but not always. Sometimes you can see beautiful adult women and men. In my opinion there are more important things than beauty, but, as we can see, is not the same opinion of our society.

Email to teacher

Dear Sònia,

Everybody has goals and everybody wants to meet them, but always is so difficult if you don’t work hard every day. In a short term, I want to pass batxillerat and selectivitat with a good mark, but, as you know, not all my goals are relationship with study. I am the coach of children and they are ten years old, so, is the best age to start doing some tactic exercises because of the level and request of the next categories. In a long term, my goals are the continuation of the short ones because of their importance for me. I want to study business  administration and law, and, probably, then I will specialized to be notary public. So, I will have more opportunities to work in a place or in another. Concurrently, I will be preparing to be a coach, studying all the certificates that I will need. This is my special goal and is the most difficult, but this is my dream.
To be a good person, honest and polite, is obviously that is a goal too, but I try to be this kind of person every day, and I think that I am this person.

The way to become a business man or a notary public is very easy, I have to go to university and study a lot and every day more, and then   have some lucky to have place somewhere or to have initiative and some ideas to create a new company or improve a company. But to be a famous coach or a manager is more difficult because you have to have a lot of lucky, more than knowledge. Firstly, you have to do all the courses to get the higher title and then you have to have some contacts to start to train a club with good conditions, and then, work hard and have good results in matches to create the attention of the talent scouts. The Obama’s speech was very clear and with good concepts, but these are the typical things that everybody can say. The most important is the person who tries to transmit this message. For the kids and for the adolescents of USA Obama is a good motivator because of the patriotism of the citizen of USA and because he has a lot of charm. But isn’t the same case in Spain because we have politicians without charm and they aren’t a motivators. In America, the Obama’s speech at every high school or university is a good idea, here no.

As a conclusion, we have to meet our goals because we are the future of this world, so we have to start to commit with our goals and face these challenges. We have to put our best effort and be calm to succeed, because, everything arrives.
So, keep calm and don’t give up.
Jaume Sués

Is humour necessary?

Happiness is extremely important and is something essential in our society and in our life. Moreover a lot of philosophers have concluded that the felicity is the most desirable thing in our life and that all we do in our life is for this reason, the pursuit of happiness.  It’s obvious laughing help us to feel happier, more optimistic and to strengthen relationships. We use to laugh and to feel better when we are in a group of people with confidence, and humour and jokes help us to empower this groups of people.

In our view, there are a lot of benefits from laugh and we can divide these ones in three main groups extremely related among them : social, medical and mental benefits.

Firstly, we have the social profits that in general help you to stiffen your relationships. We use to laugh harder when we are with a group because laughter is very contagious and this make that things that probably are not too humorous become the most funny thing you have ever heard. Consequently this creates confidence between people and helps them to improve teamwork.

Secondly, there are the physical benefits which are not always evident.

- Laughing improves the hearth, because it enrich the function of the bloods vessels and blood flow. The last one, protect to you against the heart attack and other cardiovascular problems related with heart.

- When we laugh, we trigger the release of endorphins and this promote a good sensation with our body.

 - Laughter relaxes the whole body. Laugh appease physical tension and stress and then the muscles are more relaxed during 45 minutes.
In addition, we have the mental benefits which are the direct consequence of the social and medical benefits. As we said before due to the endorphins our body create we are happier when we laugh. As a result this makes us being in a best mood and to remove stress.

In conclusion, laughing has a lot of benefits and has no consequences so there are no reasons to be sad and there are a lot of reasons to be happy and laugh a lot. Keep happy and have a good time laughing. 


This term we have worked in three projects: dreams, humour and beauty. Every term we see a film or a documentary in relation with the topics, and this term we have seen Nip-Tuck, a famous TV series. The plot of this series is beauty, surgery operations and the appearance.

In my opinion is an interesting series because they talk about a relevant topic that affects a big % of the society. We have to be forever young? We have to look like society want? This and more questions appear here and they know how to manage these topics to influence the supporters. For me, the worst thing is in Nip-Tuck appears in foreground the operation scenes and things in relation. I don’t like this kinds of scenes, these produces me repugnance. But in general is a nice TV series, they did a good job.

Two difficult weeks

These two last weeks are probably the worst of all the course. We have exams of all the subjects and you have to add our lovely TDR. All these things in only two weeks. I know we had to do TDR in summer but everybody do the introduction and the conclusion at last weeks and we have to retouch some formal things.

I know is difficult how to manage this, but I think we can deliver our TDR before this two weeks or after Christmas to have more time two prepare, so for me, is a mix of bad organization of teachers and students .

But, if you want to do Batxillerat you have to work hard, because there isn’t time to make excuses. 

Home or flat?

In the next months we have to decide what we want to study and especially where, in what city and in a flat or in our home. This is a difficult decision but we have to think carefully about because time goes so quickly.

Maybe, with 18 years old and if you have lived with your parents all the life, you want to leave home and be independent. Do whatever you want, be responsible of your things and acts, etc. If you think carefully, live with your parents is more comfortable and you have to do less things and you haven’t to be responsible of some things. But in the next six or seven years we have to leave home because is life law. But for how economic things are, we will leave home so late 

Black Friday shopping in US marred by violence

Last Friday was he Black Friday, when everybody in USA world goes to shops since four o’clock to buy, buy, and buy.

In my opinion this is a ridiculous day what only can happen is things like that: violence, robberies and splurge. This is how we spend our money, buying things which aren’t useful for our lives. In these places we can see the real behaviour of a human. I don’t know where we can arrive doing things like that and with this behaviour.

But, in other view, these discounts encourage the consume of the citizens and this reactive the economic circle.

I we focus this topic in the social view, this is a drama what a human can do for some discounts, but in the economic view is a good idea to reactive the economic circle and, of course, for the different companies.


Alleged: presumpte
Dragging: “arrastrar”

Pledge: promesa

Brazil venues struggle to meet World Cup deadline

As everybody know, the next World Cup will take place in Brazil, a country of South America in a development way. They have to do some things and respect some conditions if they want to be the host. Brazil is probably the country which feels more this sport so they are so happy to take in the World Cup.

Obviously there will be some people who will win a lot of money, but, only a few, and the rest of the citizen will continue be poor. So I want to expose if it’s necessary that Brazil have to take in the World Cup. For me it isn’t necessary. Politicians have to think carefully about what their country need and not what some people need.

This is the economic view, but if we only think about football, this kind of competition in Brazil will be amazing.


Host: amfitrió
Spate: “avalancha”

Envelop: recobrir


Glasgow helicopter crash: Eight dead at Clutha pub

The last Friday night was a terrible night for the Glasgow citizen. A police helicopter crush into a centre pub called The Clutha. The three occupants of the helicopter, which were two police officers and a civil servant, have died because of the accident. Five people more who were around the pub at the accident moment also have died. Another fourteen people are being treated for important and serious injuries in the hospital. This numbers of damaged people is little in relation of the number of integrands who were in the pub. A significant number of personal from Police Scotland, The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Scottish Ambulance Service are still at the scene.

This is a terrible news that if we think carefully can happen more times if we take into account that there a lot of helicopters, planes, cars and other vehicles circulating every day. So, with this post, I want to express all my pain to all the affect families.

Aircraft: avió/aeroplà
Chest injuries: ferides al pit
Laceration: ferida/tall

Birmingham surgeon charged over further patient sex assaults!!

Birmingham surgeon charged over further patient sex assaults. At the height of XXI century we have to see these kinds of things. It’s incredible that a professional do sex assaults in his labour time. But there is a question before, why human is so obsessed with his body? Of course for the society and our way to think.

In my opinion we have to change our way to think because the body is not important as the brain or the mentality. Everybody is obsessed to take care of their body but they aren’t interested to work the brain. This is one of the biggest problems of our society, especially Spain. If we want to leave the crisis and expand, we need people with degrees not with abdominals. 


Charged: acusat
Urge: desig

Treated: tractat

Sebastian Vettel: Records mean a lot to a 'huge F1 fan'

Another year Sebastian Vettel has won the F1 championship. This is the fourth time that this succeeds and everybody start to think every time Formula One is so boring.

He is in Red Bull team, nowadays the best team because they are able to make a competitive car in all of fields.  But, of course, they have more money than another teams and this is an important factor. They can research and investigate more on theirs cars so they have more possibilities to improve.

Think what we think we have o recognised that we are in front of a legend because he has catch all the records of another legend, Michael Schumacher.

If things in Formula One world are the same in the next years, probably we will see the pilot with more championships of the history. So keep calm and don’t criticize this boy because if somebody do that it means a sign of debility and envy.


mindset: mentalitat
savouring: degustar
huge: enorme

Ryan Giggs at 40: The games, the goals and the gongs.

Today is a special day for a football legend and for all the supporters of this sport. Ryan Giggs has 40 years and he wants to continue playing football, of course, he can because of his physical condition.

Probably is the most decorated football player in the English history. He had played more than 1.000 matches with Manchester United, he has scored 150 goals, more than Cristiano Ronaldo. All this things with only 22 seasons. It’s incredible!!

Is one of the most recognised football players for all of what I have said, but, for me, he has a quality that only has five or six players, and this is loyalty. Nowadays all the players are moved for the money and the contract conditions, but Giggs no, he respects Manchester United because all what he know is thanks to the club.


whipped: batre
clinch: apretada de mans

milestones: compte quilòmetres

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Joke! Teacher and little Johnny!!


Record music with Vocaroo >>

Scenario: Two men sit in a restaurant in Barcelona
Characters: Jaume and Roger

J: Oh man! I heard Claudia wants a boobs increase operation, you know.

R: Oooh really, good thing, she need it.

J: What??

R: This!


R: Claudia isn’t happy with herself and this will help her…, you know.

J: Do you think with this operation she will be happy??

R: Sure, big boobs can do wonders.

J: Well, her life isn’t a bed of roses… but I think she doesn’t need it

R: Yes, so this will be a change to better in her life, and also a sight for sore eyes.

J: You’re a fucking materialist, you will never find a girlfriend in your FUCKING LIFE!!!

(Everybody in the restaurant staring at them)

R:Ohh relax, my friend, you are a killjoy, don’t take it so seriously, mate.

J: Okay, I’m so sorry.

R: But you can be happy with your wife boobs size, can’t you?

J: Yeah, that’s true. You’re searching for one with big boobs too, aren’t you?

R: Yeah, your wife’s sister could be an option, couldn’t be?

J: Touch her and I will kill you!! Jajaja.

R: So you should already have killed me!

J: Why you have chosen her?

R: Because she has new big operated boobs, JAJAJA