sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Glasgow helicopter crash: Eight dead at Clutha pub

The last Friday night was a terrible night for the Glasgow citizen. A police helicopter crush into a centre pub called The Clutha. The three occupants of the helicopter, which were two police officers and a civil servant, have died because of the accident. Five people more who were around the pub at the accident moment also have died. Another fourteen people are being treated for important and serious injuries in the hospital. This numbers of damaged people is little in relation of the number of integrands who were in the pub. A significant number of personal from Police Scotland, The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Scottish Ambulance Service are still at the scene.

This is a terrible news that if we think carefully can happen more times if we take into account that there a lot of helicopters, planes, cars and other vehicles circulating every day. So, with this post, I want to express all my pain to all the affect families.

Aircraft: avió/aeroplà
Chest injuries: ferides al pit
Laceration: ferida/tall

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