sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Black Friday shopping in US marred by violence

Last Friday was he Black Friday, when everybody in USA world goes to shops since four o’clock to buy, buy, and buy.

In my opinion this is a ridiculous day what only can happen is things like that: violence, robberies and splurge. This is how we spend our money, buying things which aren’t useful for our lives. In these places we can see the real behaviour of a human. I don’t know where we can arrive doing things like that and with this behaviour.

But, in other view, these discounts encourage the consume of the citizens and this reactive the economic circle.

I we focus this topic in the social view, this is a drama what a human can do for some discounts, but in the economic view is a good idea to reactive the economic circle and, of course, for the different companies.


Alleged: presumpte
Dragging: “arrastrar”

Pledge: promesa

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