domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Education is the key, school is the lock!

“If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to help build theirs”

You have to work hard and be constant. People who have succeeded in life have dreams, and they fight to get it. So, keep calm and work hard, you will have a place between the winners.

“As long as you follow the rules and pass the exams, you’re cool”

I am totally agree with this sentence. This is the worst thing that a system can do. We are only evaluating the capacity to retain information and the capacity to throw out in a paper. Great teenagers with clear ideas haven’t had succeed in life for this way to work of our system.

“Looking at David Beckham is more than one way in this world to be an educated man”

This sentence has relation with what I have said in the other sentence. We have creat a system that only evaluate the capacity to retain information and things like that. I know we have to do this part because can be important in our future but we have to consider other qualities.  This example about Beckham is so clear. 

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